Themis Themistocleous

Marketing and Communication

Themis joined Calmco in 2014 after a long career in public administration and journalism and has acquired vast experience in corporate matters.

He holds an MBA with specialisation in the management of services and has wide experience in EU affairs, having been the Head of the Commission Representation in Nicosia immediately after the accession of Cyprus and up to Cyprus joining the euro area.

He has worked for many years as a journalist, travelling extensively to cover European affairs and Cyprus. He has also held managerial positions in the public sector in Cyprus for a number of years, including the post of Director General of the Cyprus public broadcaster CyBC and of Director of the Cyprus News Agency CNA.

Themis is a Fulbright scholar and holds an MA degree in Communication from Stanford University, California, USA and a Bachelor’s in Classics and English from the National and Capodistrian University of Athens. He has also attended numerous seminars, workshops and conferences in Cyprus and abroad on management, marketing, public relations, professional ethics and corporate social responsibility. He has lectured in Cyprus and has consulted public and private enterprises, academic institutions and NGOs on these topics.

On the social level, he has been a Rotarian for 25 years, has received the highest award of Paul Harris Fellow, and has been instrumental in implementing humanitarian projects and building relationships internationally.
